A Citation for Quality Systems Enhancements Inc.
Baskar Kotte, the founder of Quality Systems Enhancement Inc. and the current president of the organization, was given the honor of Outstanding Professional Achievement in New Orleans, Louisiana this March 20th, 2013. The award was presented by the chairman of US Technical Advisory Group to the American National Standard Institute for ISO/TC 176, Alka Jarvis of Cisco, along with colleagues and friends of Mr. Kotte within the organization.
His cited achievements with the US Technical Advisory Group for ISO/TC 176 are the following:
- Represented the U.S. in SC3 as a member for a number of years and has been extremely successful in his efforts to work with the international team, even under some adversarial situations.
- Reviewed the strategic issues when the U.S. TAG membership was being discussed, provided recommendations on what will be best for the TAG as well as for ASQ ( American Society for Quality ) for long term success, and provided his support when the leadership made a decision.
- Has been an active member of the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 176 for many years and has shown tremendous enthusiasm in every project or task assigned to him.
- Has been a great contributor and promoter for the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 176
Aside from his contributions to US TAG to ISO/TC 176, Mr. Kotte is also a US delegate in creating an ISO Standardcalled “Guidelines for Selection of Quality Management System Consultants and Use of their Services” – ISO/TS 10019 and Customer Satisfaction: Guidelines for monitoring and measuring ISO/TS 10004. He is also an active participant and a representative of the United States in PC 242 and ISO 50001 Energy Management System groups.Mr. Kotte is also a part of U.S. TAG for TC 207; another technical committeewho’s responsibility is to create the guidelines for ISO’s series of Environmental Management Standards (ISO 1400).
Mr. Kotte founded Quality Systems Enhancement Inc. in 1992, providing consultation and training to organizations aiming to be ISO certified in various series of international standards. He has provided assistance to more than 500 facilities for ISO Certifications. He is also an ASQ (American Society for Quality ) certified Quality Engineer and Quality Auditor and is a RAB-Certified QMS Lead Auditor.
Quality Systems Enhancement Inc. Core Tools
Mr. Kotte and his team at Quality Systems Enhancement Inc. has more than 20 years of experience in providing assistance to organizations in successfully achieving ISO certifications. They developed the 10-Step Approach Program with the use of diverse quality management tools such as lean tools, six sigma tools and SPC Tools. For more information on how Mr. Kotte and his team at Quality Systems Enhancement Inc. can help your business achieve operational excellence and increase in your bottom line, contact the QSE consultants at enhancequality.com/contact.