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HARPC – Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls

Agriculture Produce recall by major retailers in 2014 and outbreak at a major food chain in the country are some of the glaring examples of how Food Hazards find their way to consumers. FDA had been conducting hearings from public, industry experts and other statutory bodies on the need to prevent hazards infiltration in to food. The Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Control (HARPC) is the resultant measure of all opinions gathered by FDA. It has been made mandatory by the addendum to Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) published on November13, 2015. HARPC is a requirement where a written procedure is to be maintained at every facility dealing in Food and have a proof that the procedure is being followed. Although FDA has given out some concessions on the time required to implement depending on the size of the organizations there is a need to implement this system by food industry now or  in near future.

Who should pursue?

  • All organizations that deals Processing, Packing or Storage of Food
  • All organizations that wants to increase their food safety
  • All companies in the food sector that would like to retain its registration with FDA
  • All business or companies that would like to import food from foreign country
  • All organization that wants no food recall or no hold on its imports


  • Incorporate process control approach in their operations
  • Estimate risk of hazards in each operation within the food chain and devise a plan to prevent hazards
  • Prevent physical, biological, chemical or radiological contaminant in the food they process, pack or store before it reaches the consumer.
  • Reduce costs associated with expensive food recalls
  • Improve food safety
  • Eliminate hazardous risks
  • Retain registration with FDA

Our approach

QSE adopts a “Ten Step Approach” to Implementation. This approach, designed and perfected by QSE, addresses each facet in an easy to implement manner. Tools merge with each other seamlessly and so effortlessly that the end product is a top-notch quality.

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Quality System Enhancement has been a leader in global certification services for the past 30 years. With more than 800 companies successfully certified, our proprietary 10-Step Approach™ to certification offers an unmatched 100% success rate for our clients.

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