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Aerospace Quality Standards


Aerospace Quality Standards may be addressed as Aerospace ISO standards applicable to aerospace parts manufacturers.  These are mandatory to Prime suppliers to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) such as, Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed, Beach Aircraft etc. These standards are applicable

What are Aerospace Quality Standards

The Most commonly applicable Aerospace ISO standards are AS 9100 D and ISO 9001:2015 This AS9100 D standard has referenced all quality requirements as per ISO 9001:2015 and has few additional items unique to the Aerospace industry as additional requirements which are required for Aerospace certification. Other Aerospace or ISO Aerospace standards are AS 9110 C +ISO 9001:2015 Aerospace certification for Aircraft Maintenance and repairs. AS 9120B +ISO 9001:2015 for ISO Aerospace certification for storage and distribution of parts for Aircrafts. There is yet other popular aerospace standard which is not referred to as ISO Aerospace is the AS 5553 which is the Aerospace standard for prevention of use of counterfeit parts in air crafts.


It may be noted that ISO aerospace standard requirements are in addition to the safety and quality requirements mandated by Federal aviation Authority (FAA) in the USA.

Aerospace Industry has established the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG), with representatives from aviation, space, and defense companies in the Americas, Asia/Pacific, and Europe, to implement initiatives that make significant improvements in quality and reductions in cost throughout the value stream.  ISO Aerospace standards has been prepared by the IAQG.

ISO Aerospace industry has standardized quality management system requirements to the greatest extent possible by incorporating ISO aerospace  requirements of ISO 9001 and  AS specified standards are together used as ISO for Aerospace Industry as ISO Aerospace standards and can be used at all levels of the supply chain by organizations around the world. Use of ISO Aerospace Standards should result in improved quality, cost, and delivery performance through the reduction or elimination of organization-unique requirements, effective implementation of the ISO Aerospace quality management system, and wider application of good practice. While primarily developed for the aviation, space, and defense industry, this standard can also be used in other industry sectors when a quality management system with additional Aerospace requirements over an ISO 9001 system is needed.

What are the Major Differences between Aerospace ISO Standards AS 9100 D; AS 9110 C; AS9120B & AS 5553 A?

All ISO Aerospace standards have their unique requirements to be met since they cater to different segments of Aerospace industry

Aerospace ISO Standard AS 9100 D

Aerospace ISO Standards 9110 D, along with ISO 9001:2015 cater to the ISO Aerospace certification needs of Aircraft and aircraft parts manufacturing industry. This ISO Aerospace standard is mandatory to all prime suppliers and secondary suppliers of parts to Aerospace OEMs and IAQG accredited Aircraft repair and maintenance units

AS 9100D encompasses quality management system requirements to the greatest extent possible and can be used at all levels of the supply chain by organizations around the world. Use of AS 9100D should result in improved quality, reduced cost, and improved delivery performance through the reduction or elimination of organization-unique requirements, effective implementation of the quality management system, and wider application of good practice. While primarily developed for the aviation, space, and defense industry, this standard can also be used in other industry sectors when a quality management system with additional requirements over an ISO 9001 system is needed. 

Aerospace ISO Standard AS 9110 C

This ISO Aerospace Standard is primarily developed for civil and military aviation industry organizations providing maintenance services, this standard can also be used in other industry sectors when a quality management system with additional requirements over an ISO 9001 system is needed. This ISO Aerospace standard includes ISO 9001:2015 quality management system requirements and specifies additional civil and military aviation maintenance and continuing airworthiness industry requirements, definitions.

Aerospace ISO Standard AS9120 B

ISO Aerospace Standard AS 9120 (Aerospace Requirements for Stockiest Distributors) defines specific requirements for suppliers and distributors that supply components to the supply-chain that manufacture products for the Aerospace and Defense Industries. The emphasis in this standard is on traceability of materials (from receipt until delivery), protection and supervision of the stored materials, defining method and tracking of Splitting of the material/batch, such that conformance to the specification is maintained, and keeping of records that indicate these requirements were met. This along with ISO 9001:2015 meets all requirements of Aerospace ISO Standard

Aerospace ISO Standard AS 5553 A

ISO Aerospace standard AS5553 A was originally created in response to a significant and increasing volume of fraudulent/counterfeit electronic parts entering the aerospace supply chain, posing significant performance, reliability and safety risks. This document has subsequently been expanded to address fraudulent/counterfeit risk mitigation on a global scale across multi-sector electronic supply chain industries and to provide uniform requirements, practices and methods to mitigate the risks of receiving and installing fraudulent/counterfeit electronic parts

QSE with you all the Way to Aerospace ISO Standards Certification Process. This along with ISO 9001:2015 meets all requirements of Aerospace ISO Standard

To meet customer requirements, electronics industry organizations must produce, and continually improve, safe and reliable products that meet or exceed customer and regulatory authority requirements with respect to Aerospace certification. The globalization of the aerospace industry and the resulting diversity of regional/national requirements and expectations have complicated this objective. End-product organizations face the challenge of assuring the quality and integration of product purchased from suppliers throughout the world and at all levels within the supply chain. ISO Aerospace Standards for prevention of counterfeit parts AS 5553 A, has instituted with this very aim of having a check on the entire global supply chain of Air craft industry

The salient features covered in all requirements of Aerospace ISO Standard

standards are discussed below:

Operational Risk Management in Aerospace ISO Standards

 The organization shall plan, implement, and control a process for managing operational risks to the achievement of applicable requirements, which includes as appropriate to the organization and the products and services:

  1. Assignment of responsibilities for operational risk management;
  2. Definition of risk assessment criteria (e.g., likelihood, consequences, risk acceptance);
  3. Identification, assessment, and communication of risks throughout operations;
  4. Identification, implementation, and management of actions to mitigate risks that exceed the defined risk acceptance criteria;
  5. Acceptance of risks remaining after implementation of mitigating action

Configuration Management in Aerospace ISO Standards

The organization shall plan, implement, and control a process for configuration management as appropriate to the organization and its products and services to ensure the identification and control of physical and functional attributes throughout the product lifecycle. This process shall:

  1. Control product identity and traceability to requirements, including the implementation of identified changes
  2. Ensure that the documented information (e.g., requirements, design, verification, validation and acceptance documentation) is consistent with the actual attributes of the products and services

Product Safety in Aerospace ISO Standards

The organization shall plan, implement, and control the processes needed to assure product safety during the entire product life cycle, as appropriate to the organization and the product.

Examples of these processes include:

  1. Assessment of hazards and management of associated risks
  2. Management of safety critical items
  3. Analysis and reporting of occurred events affecting safety
  4. Communication of these events and training of persons

Prevention of Counterfeit Parts

Counterfeit part prevention processes should consider:

  1. Training of appropriate persons in the awareness and prevention of counterfeit parts;
  2. Application of a parts obsolescence monitoring program;
  3. Controls for acquiring externally provided product from original or authorized manufacturers, authorized distributors, or other approved sources; requirements for assuring traceability of parts and components to their original or authorized manufacturers;
  4. Verification and test methodologies to detect counterfeit parts;
  5. Monitoring of counterfeit parts reporting from external sources;
  6. Quarantine and reporting of suspect or detected counterfeit parts.

Requirements for Products and Services

The requirements for the products and services are defined, including:

  1. Any applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
  2. Those considered necessary by the organization;
    1. The organization can meet the claims for the products and services it offers;
    2. Special requirements of the products and services are determined;
    3. Operational risks (e.g., new technology, ability and capacity to provide, short delivery time frame) have been identified

How QSE Helps with the ISO Certification Process

By leveraging vast experience, it has, QSE organizes the entire Aerospace ISO standards certification process into micro activities and help its customers at each step of the entire process.

  • Forming the team and Identification of Management Representative for Aerospace ISO Standards:
    • Aerospace ISO standards certification process starts with the formation of an internal Management System Review Team within the facility and select Aerospace Quality Management System Team Leader / Management Representative out of the team. QSE with its vast experience can suggest methods of doing it
  • Design Aerospace Quality management system (ASQMS) for Aerospace ISO Standards
    • QSE trains and designs Aerospace Quality Management System (ASQMS) using Aerospace ISO Standards to institute all requirements of Aerospace standards and methods for conducting all types of audits such as product audits and layered process audits etc., and passing with flying colors every time
  • Preparation of Checklist for Documented Processes for Aerospace ISO Standards:
    • QSE prepares an Aerospace Quality Standards -check list to be followed by the facilities to ensure that all documented processes are made and all ISO Aerospace standards
  • Prepare Comprehensive Documentation for Aerospace ISO Standards:
    • QSE can prepare comprehensive documentation under ASQMS to create evidence on Aerospace Quality Management Systems
    • QSE documentation for ISO Aerospace standards includes special additional requirements covered in Aerospace ISO Standards AS9100D or others as per the requirements of the industry
    • QSE has a comprehensive documentation system for Aerospace ISO Standards which is unique, evidence based, data driven, simplified and single level
    • Documentation developed by QSE guarantees certification to Aerospace ISO Standards
    • The documentation for Aerospace ISO Standards can be submitted during pre-audits and if required QSE can defend its ISO Aerospace Standards documentation at any stage
  • Conduct Internal Audits for Aerospace ISO Standards:
    • QSE conducts a comprehensive internal audit for Aerospace ISO Standards by certified and competent auditors using ISO Aerospace Standards audit check lists to verify the accuracy and adequacy of documentation which is a requirement before   Aerospace audit.
  • Help with Aerospace Training for Aerospace ISO Standards:
  • QSE Offers a comprehensive Training on application of ISO Aerospace Standards
  • QSE helps in identifying applicable tables and templates necessary for implementing the requirements. QSE helps in formulating Risk Control Plans, helps in identifying cross functional teams and elements to be considered for both Design and Process. Methods for recording data on all experiments, Methods to verify and validate results and the forms for submission of results to customer for acceptance. Methods to record data to show as evidence of compliance. QSE helps in preparing Statistical Process Control Charts required for analysis and process corrections
  • In addition to application of Statistical Tools, QSE helps in preparing charts to have a check off list to ensure compliance to all OEM customers’ specific requirements for obtaining Aerospace ISO Standards certification
  • Support during Audit for Aerospace ISO Standards:
    • QSE provides all kinds of support during final audit process to ensure the facility meets all audit requirements. QSE experts aid facilities during certification/surveillance audits without interfering with Aerospace Certification Body auditors. QSE Aerospace consultants do come in, before the certification audit and ensure that all required documents and data is in order, to show as evidence of compliance to Aerospace ISO Standards Certification Body

ISO Aerospace Consulting with QSE

  • QSE’s consultants offer total consulting for all ISO for Aerospace Industry Standards referred above Viz; AS 9100 D, AS9110C, AS 9120 B, AS5553A and ISO 9001
  • President of QSE has been a member of ISO/US TAG/TC 176, the technical committee which wrote family of ISO 9001 Quality Management Standards since its inception in 1985
  • President QSE is also a member of ISO/USTAG/TC 207 the technical committee which wrote family of ISO 14001 Environment Management Standards since its inception
  • President QSE is also a member of the ISO/USTAG/TC301(TC242) the technical committee which wrote family of ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standards
  • QSE’s Aerospace industry consultants thoroughly understand the intent of standards
  • QSE has a 10-step disciplined path for ISO Aerospace certification which is insensitive to failure
  • QSE guarantees ISO Aerospace certification if all 10 steps are followed
  • QSE has assisted over 700 facilities obtain certification to various ISO Standards and ISO Aerospace Standards and Food Safety Standards
  • QSE has a success rate of 100% for ISO Aerospace certification
  • 98% of QSE customers have passed ISO Aerospace certification audits without a single nonconformity first time around
  • QSE develops all ISO Aerospace standards documentation on site at customers’ works involving all relevant employees and practicality of implementation
  • QSE engages competent and qualified ISO Aerospace consultants to prepare the management system without any letups and ensuring compliance to all elements of the ISO standard clause by clause.
  • QSE has a Data Driven, Evidence Based, Single Level, Comprehensive, Simplified ISO Aerospace Documentation System which is easy to understand, follow, and sustain the certificate earned by any facility
  • For example, QSE’s ISO Aerospace format for gathering internal and external issues of all interested parties is so complete that no facility following this system can have a nonconformity for context of the organization which is difficult to interpret and implement by many others
  • Another example is the format designed for ISO Aerospace Management Review is so comprehensive that seldom any management can miss a point for review as mandated by the standard. Any facility that follows this format never has a nonconformity against management review
  • QSE ‘s ISO Aerospace documentation system includes acceptable and simple solutions to the ambiguous elements in some standards and defends the documentation if required
  • QSE’s ISO Aerospace documentation passes scrutiny of any audit
  • In addition to developing ISO Aerospace documentation QSE helps in implementing the documentation, helps in understanding the application of documents, its relevance and importance in complying with the standard
  • QSE assists in deficiency corrections for all nonconformities identified through internal audits or audit by ISO Aerospace Certification Body
  • QSE also assists in preparing for final ISO Aerospace certification audit

ISO Aerospace Auditing

ISO Aerospace Auditing firms conduct audits on facilities seeking certification. Normally these audits are conducted by accredited Certification Bodies accredited by IAQG. It is mandatory as per the ISO Aerospace standards to conduct internal audits by the firm or firm’s appointed agency to conduct an Internal audit prior to audit by Certification Body. No facility can go to ISO Aerospace Certification Audit before an internal audit is conducted. ISO promotes process approach in formulating and auditing the documented system using ISO Aerospace audit checklists

  • QSE’s consulting includes ISO Aerospace Internal Auditing using ISO Aerospace audit checklists
  • QSE engages competent and qualified ISO Aerospace auditors for all its audits
  • QSE follows all guidelines prescribed by ISO 19011:2018 guidance standard for audits
  • President QSE is a member of the committee which wrote the ISO 19011 standards from its inception and has a thorough knowledge about all the requirements stated in the guidance standard
  • QSE conducts brutal and more stringent ISO Aerospace audit than the audits by Certifying Bodies. This is to eliminates the possibility of any nonconformity showing up at final ISO Aerospace certification audit
  • QSE engages process approach in its ISO Aerospace audits in the right way to cover all elements of the standard, all processes of the facility and all shifts of operation
  • QSE ensure to audit all 4 aspects of ISO Aerospace quality control Viz. Incoming inspection, Setup Inspection, In Process inspection and Final Release inspection
  • QSE provides a comprehensive report at the end of the ISO Aerospace audit which details the nonconformity with respect to the requirements of the standard and for which corrective actions may be generated by the facility
  • QSE’s audit seldom leaves any scope for ISO Aerospace Certifying Bodies to find fault with internal audits, or give scope to point out any major nonconformity on the facility
  • QSE’s audit takes in to account the humanistic elements involved in auditing
  • QSE’s audits never criticize any individual it only points out nonconformities in the system per clauses of the standard.
  • QSE’s ISO Aerospace audit in a nutshell is a system audit using process approach

ISO Aerospace Training

ISO Aerospace Training firms train individuals or groups for understanding the content of the standard or for becoming eligible to conduct audits or explaining the management policies in regards to the standards.

QSE ‘s ISO Aerospace training covers all aspects of requirements for the standardsQSE’s ISO Aerospace training involves in explaining in detail; about the intent of the standardQSE’s ISO Aerospace training is an accelerated process of learning by making clear on Terms, Concepts and Principles involved in every standardQSE’s class 1 Audio visual presentations are supplemented by Quizzes and Hands -on-Exercises to ensure that the concepts are clear, adaptable and applicable straightaway in normal work to implement ISO Aerospace standardsQSE conducts ISO Aerospace Standards training on Implementation Assistance, Internal Auditing, Supplier Audits, Process Audits, Product Audits and Layered Process Audits as per requirementQSE’s Trainer has over 40 Years’ experience in Quality assurance, An exemplar global certified auditor, a certified quality engineer and winner of several awards as a best speaker at international conventionsEvery ISO Aerospace Training session is interactive and includes a question answer session at the end of each day for any clarifications requiredIn addition to ISO Aerospace Standards comprehension and implementation QSE also trains internal auditors for selected ISO Aerospace standardQSE also offers training in Solutions such as Root Cause Analysis, Corrective and Preventive Actions required for ISO Aerospace standardsQSE Trains in problem solving techniques such as 8D, 5 WHY, 7 S etc.Some of the trained by QSE for ISO Aerospace standards are Gulfstream’ Fairfield, Torco, etc.QSE has trained other 700 small and big companies for obtaining certifications, internal auditors etc

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Quality System Enhancement has been a leader in global certification services for the past 30 years. With more than 800 companies successfully certified, our proprietary 10-Step Approach™ to certification offers an unmatched 100% success rate for our clients.

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