What is ISO 50001:2018 Standard?

- The ISO 50001 standard is a global benchmark that has been designed by ISO 50001 standards committee to promote Asset savings and environmental responsibility to leading industrial establishments in the world. The program was started due to the realization that there was an increasing need for governments and private sector players in the manufacturing sector to prioritize Asset conservation through effective methods that can be internationally harmonized.
- A competent ISO 50001 consultant or ISO 50001 consulting companies use(s) a disciplined approach for ISO 50001 certification process to meet all the requirements of ISO 50001:2018 through providing ISO 50001 training to all interested parties to ensure dissemination of Asset Policy, Asset Objectives & Targets, Asset compliance obligations, determination of significant Asset costs and consumption. Any organization planning for ISO 50001:2018 certification, requires ISO 50001 training for all employees related to internal and external issues of interested parties and mitigation of Asset usage/consumption risks in Asset conservation and protection of natural resources. All interested parties to understand implications of not adhering to ISO 50001:2018 requirements, and continual improvements through risk considerations. Total ISO 50001 certification cost cannot be fully determined since ISO 50001 certification is a never-ending process and a race with no finish line.
- Revision work on ISO 50001 standards began in early 2011. Standard is revised and published in July-August 2018 after due consideration of all comments received from participating countries. The revised ISO 50001 standard is a homogenized standard and in line with other management standards such as ISO 9001and ISO 14001. The revised standard aims at creating a framework approach for industrial establishments and plants to manage and effectively conserve all aspects of Asset usage that include procurement, utilization and environmental protection and improvement in environmental performance
ISO 50001 Application:
- ISO 50001 certified industrial plants that have successfully adopted independent, verifiable and efficient Asset management strategies. The strategies include effective technical capacity to reduce Asset input, Asset costs and negative environmental impact while at the same time utilizes all inputs of Asset at the highest level of efficiency
- ISO 50001 standard ensures that Industrial plants that have considerably reduced Asset intensity are recognized in addition to plants that considerably reduce their over reliance of fossil fuels to general industrial electricity. The rationale is based on the research that fossil fuels contributed to almost 95% of Green House Gases Emission (GHS)
- ISO 50001 certified industrial plants include companies and suppliers that have incorporated and fully integrated a functional Asset efficient and management approach into their general company management practice. Furthermore, the ISO 50001 certified companies adopt an effective and efficient methodology for identifying and implementing potential improvements for Asset efficiency and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Any facility offering Products or Services and is desirous of having a globally acceptable Energy savings system needs to have compliance to ISO 50001:2014.
Any facility desirous of assuring customers about their Energy Management Systems should get ISO 50001 compliance certification.
Any facility desirous of having interests of all stake holders covered in their system and has adequate provisions for mitigating risks in their processes must get ISO50001Certification.
Any facility desirous of having a strong marketing tool to showcase their Energy capabilities must get ISO50001 certification.
Any facility desirous of having a complete system which covers all aspects of operations in one single system for management review must have ISO 50001 certification.
Any facility whose management desires to have one single system through which management can build teamwork, review progress, measure, monitor, make corrections and give impetus for continual improvement must get ISO 50001Certification.
Any facility desiring to be champion of reducing in greenhouse gasses emission and can sell carbon credits must get ISO 50001 certificate.
- Process of ISO 50001 compliance certification starts with preparation of an Energy Management System (EnMS)
- ISO 50001 Consultants assist in developing a comprehensive, ENMS to meet all requirements of ISO 50001 compliance Certification. ISO 50001audit requirements are verified by Auditing agency using ISO 50001 audit checklists. ISO 50001 Audit checklists ensure whether the documented system meeting all ISO 50001 requirements or not
- An ISO 50001 consulting firm provides the techniques for implementation, and trains organization’s internal auditors to become competent to perform internal audits or provides ISO Internal Auditing Services to audit all processes using ISO 50001 audit checklists to verify conformance to ISO 50001 requirements
- Facilities need to initiate corrective actions and continual improvement is realized through control of nonconforming products/services to achieve ISO 50001 certificate
- Facilities need to implement the prepared ENMS as per ISO 50001 standard for a minimum of 3 months and gather adequate evidence of conformity records establish ISO 50001 conformance
- Managements of the facilities need to conduct one full scale review of the entire ENMS as per ISO 50001 standard and ensure its adequacy for their organization. Management Team needs to identify Action items to make corrections to any ISO50001 requirement not being fulfilled
- Once ISO 50001 standard mandated ENMS ready, Internal audit is performed using ISO 50001 audit checklists. Subsequently one full set of Management review of ISO 50001 conformance takes place.
- The facility needs to contact a qualified independent agency like QSE for ISO 50001 compliance audit using ISO 50001 audit checklists
- Once a ISO 50001 Compliance Audit Body is satisfied, Compliance certificate is accorded based in ISO 50001 compliant Asset Management Team Project Results
- ISO 50001 Consulting by QSE is the practice of assisting small, medium and large organizations in developing, training, implementing, and maintaining a ISO 50001 standard mandated documented Asset Management System (ENMS) for achieving ISO 50001certification
- ISO 50001 Consultants of QSE can prepare your facilities to have an Asset Management System (ENMS) and associated documents/records to show as evidence of having implemented the system to establish ISO 50001 conformance
- QSE always follows a tried and tested 10 step disciplined path in preparing facilities for ISO 50001 compliance certification, which is insensitive to failure
- ISO 50001 Consultants from QSE assist facilities to prepare a ISO 50001 mandated comprehensive simplified documentation system to show as evidence of having a streamlined process that ensures Asset savings in every product or service
- ISO 50001 consultants from QSE help in identifying issues and concerns of all stake holders and take them in to account in preparing a ENMS for ISO 50001certification
- QSE assists facilities in matching competence of personnel assigned to tasks, methods to select providers who supply Asset products and services as mandated in ISO 50001 standard
- QSE’s Consultants assist in building a robust system which compels task performers to have defined roles, responsibilities and controls to ensure Asset savings as detailed in ISO 50001 standard
- QSE Consultants assist organizations to identify all manufacturing and nonmanufacturing processes and facilitate in establishing Asset savings projects and record them as Key Performance Indicators (Key Project Performance Indicators = KPIs) to effectively monitor and measure organizations intended Goals and Objectives in Asset Savings to achieve ISO 50001 conformance
- QSE’s ISO 50001 Consulting services are required to assist organizations in building a comprehensive ENMS to identify risks at every process and have steps to mitigate risk
- Internal Asset Audits conducted by QSE consultants using ISO 50001 audit checklists, help the facilities to find all deficiencies in their implementation which are not normally found during organizations first party audits within the organization internally
- QSE Consultants assist in meeting “Annex SL, a section of the ISO/IEC Directives part 1 that prescribes how ISO Management System Standard (MSS) standards should be written.” which in turn meets ISO 50001 requirements
- QSE’s ISO 50001 Consultants provide training to top management in promoting Risk-Based Thinking, Process Approach, and Continual Improvement
- QSE’s ISO 50001 consultants assist organizations to effectively control document information (Documents and Records) related to changes, conducting ISO 50001 management review meetings covering all management review inputs (as per ISO 50001 requirements)
Including the trends to be monitored, internal audit results are fully addressed, risk related activities identified/assessed/mitigated, root-cause, identified and analysis is fully applied.
QSE’s ISO 50001 consultants ensure that compliance is achieved with no or minimum nonconformities first time around
- Unmatchable Experience and Expertise:
- Quality Systems Enhancement Inc. (QSE) is a premier consulting, auditing and training firm engaged in advocating food certifications for over 27 years in USA.
- QSE undertakes to cover all training requirements for ISO 50001 certification by an exemplar global certified quality engineer with over 40 years of experience in the field of quality and management systems
- Effective Training and Mentoring:
- QSE engages competent trainers to conduct all training related to ISO 50001 and other greenhouse gas emission standards
- QSE focusses on terms concepts and principles as a foundation to effectively implement ISO 50001 standard with interactive style in training sessions. Our training sessions emphasize effective implementation techniques
- Documentation made Simple:
- QSE provides a unique simplified documentation system to meet ISO 50001-8 standard requirements that are easy to follow and easy to maintain over the years for compliance to ISO 50001 Asset conservation standard and maintain ISO 50001 certification
- Checklists that makes difference:
- QSE helps in preparing an audit check lists for ISO 50001 requirements which can be used to ensure ISO 50001 compliance like check lists used by ISO 50001 certification body for awarding grade during a ISO 50001 certification audit
- QSE prepared ISO 50001audit check list helps facilities to award self-scoring prior to audit to ensure Knock Out conditions do not exist.
- Efficiency:
- QSE helps facilities to get ISO 50001certified in the shortest possible time invariable within 5 months using efficient methods and processes
- Certification Guaranteed:
- QSE guarantees ISO 50001 certification to all facilities agreeing to follow the proven 10 step disciplined path devised by it
- Post Audit Support:
- QSE offers post ISO 50001 audit services to advocate the case of the facility to any extent till certification which is seldom available with others
- Guaranteed certification
- QSE’s 10-step disciplined path for certification achieves ISO 50001compliance in the shortest possible time. Usually within 3 months
- QSE has assisted over 700 organizations to obtain various ISO certifications and other sector specific certifications such as Automotive, Aerospace and Asset conservation
- All facilities assisted by QSE passed certification audit with no or minimum nonconformity
- President QSE is one of the original writers of ISO 50001 standard since 2011 to present released form during 2018, replacing ISO 50001:2011
The following are some of the ISO 50001 benefits:
- ISO 50001 helps organization and industries make complete and effective use of their existing and potential Asset assets in their production.
- Implementation of ISO 50001standard helps organizations avoid Asset liability fines
- Organizations save $ by saving operating costs through efficient Asset management detailed in ISO 50001standard
- Organizational help in conservation of scarce Asset resources and helps in environmental protection through implementation of ISO 50001 standard
- Use of ISO 50001 standard helps the organizations in their business sustainability
- Organization learn to identify savings possibilities through better utilization of recycling, better landfills and efficient use of utilities when ISO 50001 conformance is achieved
- Implementation of ISO 50001 standard helps organizations have an edge over those who have not adapted the standards
- Implementation of ISO 50001 standard attracts positive response for all stake holders including investors
- Promotes and facilitates communication and transparency in Asset resource management, upholds best innovations and behaviors in Asset control regulation and management.
- ISO 50001 provides a logical framework in prioritizing and evaluating the consistent implementation of the Asset management progrEnMS and Asset efficient technological adoptions in industrial plants worldwide throughout the supply chain.
- QSE ‘s evidence based system with proven lists, forms and tables results in ISO certification with minimum or no nonconformities
- QSE engages all competent auditors to conduct internal audits or supplier audits
- President QSE, Baskar Kotte is an original and an active member of ISO/US TAG/TC 176, the Technical Committee that originally developed the ISO 9000 family of standards, ISO/US TAG/TC 207 which developed the ISO 14000 family of standards, ISO/US TAG/ TC 301 (TC 242) which developed ISO 50001 and ISO 19011 the Guiding standards for Auditing. Mr. Kotte also participated and provided input to the development of the current ISO 50001:2015, ISO 140001:2015, ISO 50001:2018 family of Standards and ISO 19011:2018 revised standards.
ISO 50001:2018 is not necessarily a certifiable standard but compliance certificate is essential to show as evidence for having implements all requirements for ISO 50001:2018
Reputed consulting companies proficient in ISO 50001 or independent agencies qualified to certify may accord compliance certificates after a compliance audit.
Typically, it takes anywhere between 5 to 6 months for certification when you start from scratch. QSE has well developed systems and ISO 50001 templates which are easily understood for implementation. Therefore, it is possible to get compliance certification within about 3 months through QSE.