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VDA 6.3 German Automotive Standard

VDA 6.3 German Automotive Standard

What is VDA6.3?

VDA stands for Verband der Automobilindustrie. VDA 6.3 defines a process-based audit standard for evaluating and improving controls in a manufacturing organization’s new product introduction and manufacturing processes. VDA 6.3 caters to the automotive industries originating in Germany and the requirements of the German automotive companies are unique and complex. They have similarities with other automotive standards but not in its entirety.

In the present day’s race to out beat others, the time required between concept to manufacturing has become very short hence the demand for adherence to the standard has increased. The German auto mobile industry has made it mandatory that Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers to them must comply with and get certified to VDA.

VDA 6.3 defines a process based audit standard for evaluating and improving controls in a manufacturing organization’s new product introduction and manufacturing processes. The standard was comprehensively restructured in 2010 to reflect the changes to ISO 9001 and customer specific requirements in the automotive industry. Passing the VDA 6.3 audit allows your company to become a potential supplier to German automakers.

Some of the Requirements to Pass the VDA 6.3 Audit are:

The requirements for the VDA 6.3 certification touches on the necessary sectors of the production.

  • IATF 16949: 2016 or VDA 6.1
  • Assessment of product suitability according to Formula Q-capability/Q-capability software.
  • Internal Audits according to IATF 16949:2016 Formula Q-capability, or KVP Continual Improvement Process.
  • Self-assessment at least once annually according to Q-capability with documentation.
  • Ensure that all risks in the supply chain are clearly identified and systematic measures are implemented

They include among others the following important areas:

  • Documentation on the development of effective production systems in automobile manufacturing and procedures of supply and distribution.
  • Quality assurance measures and responsibility of Automobile manufacturers for supply.
  • Informative and well-experienced staff and employees in the organization.

The few requirements of the VDA 6.3 certification have all translated into very fruitful benefits. Internationally binding benchmarks and have presented the initiative for companies in the automobile sectors towards quality management practices.

VDA 6.3 follows a scoring system, with a provision for automatic disqualification if minimum requirements are not met in process control activities.

What is Third-Party Quality Audit and Consulting?

  • All facilities engaged in the production of parts for automobile industry require an Automotive Quality Management System (AQMS) for VDA6.3 certification. Developing a comprehensive system to meet all the requirements of VDA 6.3 for effective implementation to achieve desired results, a competent VDA 6.3 consulting company or a competent VDA6.3 consultant is essential
  • Any facility that wants a robust system and ability to produce quality products and ensure safety for consumers must get VDA6.3Certification
  •  VDA6.3 consulting companies prepare required AQMS to comply with all customers and regulatory requirements and the organization can demonstrate. Any company using this assistance can build a world class German automotive part manufacturing company and go in for VDA6.3 certification
  • VDA 6.3 is a mandatory requirement for primary Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers of German Automotive products. Hence all Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies must get VDA6.3certification and pave way for continual improvement in any facility
  • VDA6.3certification can be overwhelming at times but a competent VDA6.3consulting company or VDA6.3 consultant can provide detailed explanation on the intent of the standard while developing an VDA6.3 compliant German Automotive Quality Management System(AQMS) and any company can go in for VDA6.3certification with such help
  • A comprehensive AQMS can create confidence in end users, German government, statutory and regulatory agencies and provide answers to all questions from Regulatory and Certification Body Auditors. Any company seeking customer confidence must get iATF16949 certification
  • An VDA6.3 consulting firm provides the techniques for developing and implementing the AQMS
  • A consulting firm can provide internal auditing services to effectively conduct VDA6.3conformity audits to fully prepare for VDA6.3 certification audits to ensure implementation

Why is Consulting Required for Quality Management Systems?

  • Process of VDA certification starts with preparation of an Automotive Quality Management System (AQMS) suitable to VDA6.3 standard
  • Once AQMS is ready a thorough VDA 6.3 Gap analysis using VDA 6.3 Process audit checklists is to be conducted to find what is lacking for VDA6.3 certification and what is the score attainable at that time
  • ISO Consultants assist in developing a comprehensive, AQMS to meet all requirements of VDA 6.3and third party Certification Body stage 1 audit requirements. The stage 1 audit from Certification Bodies vary depending on the selected IATF Certification Body which verifies the documented system meeting all VDA 6.3requirements or not
  • A VDA 6.3 consulting firm provides the techniques for implementation, and trains organization’s VDA 6.3 internal auditors to become competent to perform internal audits using VDA6.3 process audit checklists or provides VA 6.3 Internal Auditing Services to audit all processes, all VDA 6.3 Standard requirements using VDA 6.3 process audit checklists and examine effective implementation of VDA 6.3 Standard
  • Developing a comprehensive system to meet all the VDA 6.3 process audit requirements for effective implementation to achieve desired results, a competent VDA 6.3 consulting company or a competent VDA 6.3 consultant is essential
  • AQMS as per VDA 6.3 standard can assure German automotive manufacturers that the facility has a robust system and can produce quality products and services
  • 3 process audits conducted and a substantially high score is mandatory requirement for Tier1 and Tier 2 suppliers catering to German Automobile Industry. Therefore VDA 6.3 certification seeking facilities must learn the process approach the right way
  • VDA 6.3 certification seeking Facilities need to initiate corrective actions and witness that continual improvement is realized through control of nonconforming products/services.
  • VDA 6.3 certification seeking facilities need to implement the prepared AQMS for a minimum of 3 months and gather adequate data and record to show as evidence when seeking VDA 6.3certification
  • Managements of the VDA 6.3certification seeking facilities need to conduct one full scale review of the entire AQMS and ensure its adequacy for their organization. Management Team needs to identify Action items to make corrections to any IATF requirement not being fulfilled
  • Once a AQMS is ready, VDA 6.3 Internal audit is performed and one full set of Management review takes place, the facility needs to contact a certification Body for certification audit
  • Certification Bodies conduct VDA 6.3 Audit in 2 stages. During Stage 1, VDA 6.3 audit evaluates the documentation system and basic requirements of meeting VDA 6.3 Requirements
  • Certification Body returns for final audit where all VDA 6.3 Requirements are thoroughly audited to ensure that requirements are met and documentary evidence exists to demonstrate compliance
  • Once certification Body is satisfied, recommendation is sent to accrediting agencies to issue VDA 6.3 certification

Benefits of Having an AQMS

  • VDA 6.3 certification provides international recognition and approval in the manufacturing and supply of parts for automobiles.
  • VDA 6.3 process audit Creates a standardized sector rational to measure the effective capacity of industry players to produce high quality products that are secure for supply.
  • VDA 6.3 process audit Promotes consistency in effective management in the Automobile sector to ensure quality production is maintained at all stages to the letter.
  • VDA 6.3 process audit is informative in modern production practices that are cost effective and risk mitigated.
  • VDA 6.3 process audit helps validate AQMS and give the ability to supply to German automakers
  • VDA 6.3 standard mandates maintaining higher quality standards even higher than IATF 16949:2016
  • VDA 6.3 Standard helps in Process control in every process resulting in Increased quality of your products
  • VDA 6.3 Standard Presents a simple and singular management strategy that covers a multi-dimensional organization to guarantee safe quality production and supply.
  • VDA6.3 certification is a great marketing tool for selling in German Automotive Industry
  • QSE has over 30 Years of standing in the field of VDA6.3 Consulting, Auditing and Training for any ISO Standard, Automotive standard Sector Specific Standard, AISC standard or Food Safety Standard
  • QSE has helped over 800 facilities to earn their ISO certifications, VDA 6.3 and other certifications. All QSE customers pass final audits with no or minimal nonconformities
  • Over 98 % of QSE customers passed VDA6.3 certification audits with no nonconformities first time around
  • Unlike our competitors QSE ‘s VDA 6.3 consultants provide a unique, comprehensive, evidence based simplified single level system which is easy to implement and provide evidence for implementation to earn VDA 6.3 certification
  • VDA 6.3 Templates designed by QSE are tried and tested. They are perfect. Facilities using the documentation developed by QSE do not have to struggle for evidence
  • Evidence is built in to the system. The facility needs to only follow the given VDA6.3 Standard formats, and tables to sail through a certification audit with a high score or with minimal nonconformities
  • QSE engages all competent auditors to conduct internal audits or suppler audits.
  • President of QSE is a member of the technical committee involved in writing ISO 19011, the guidance standard for audits since its inception in 1985 to recent changes in 2018
  • At the end of an Internal audit QSE submits a detailed report which assists the facilities in building corrective actions and prevent actions to avoid possible nonconformities and helps to undertake preventive actions to avoid occurrence of any nonconformity
  • Several of our competitors engage in VDA process audits through VDA 6.3 Audit Process checklists. QSE performs audits by VDA6.3 process audit checklist, and gathers evidence covering all requirements of VDA6.3 standards clause by clause
  • QSE has system designed to fix process controls in the system which ensure high scores during VDA 6.3 Audit
  • QSE has designed unique comprehensive single level documentation which ensure effective implementation of VDA 6.3 standard
  • QSE helps create all 19 required documented processes as per VDA 6.3 Standard and other requirements covered in VDA 6.1which is mandatory
  • QSE’s consultants provide VDA 6.3 standard documentation that is unique, simple, lean and easy to implement and sustain certification
  • QSE ensures to provide implementation assistance or complete understanding of the documentation and requirements of VDA 6.3 process audit.
  • QSE includes all 4 stages of quality control viz. Receiving, Setup, In-process and Final release and ensures that they are built in the system for effective control mechanism
  • QSE’s Unique Management review format ensures that facilities implement methods to verify the adequacy of AQMS. This helps to eliminate all probable nonconformities on Management Review
  • The review techniques of AQMS help make corrections in the system where required and ensures continual improvement
  • QSE does not simply tell what needs to be done instead QSE holds the hand of the facility and show how to do it
  • QSE’s 10 step disciplined path is insensitive to failure and facilities are guaranteed to obtain certification when all 10 steps are implemented.
  • QSE provides post VDA63. Process audit services, if required, and can take the disputes to highest levels.

QSE has helped several organizations to get certified to VDA6.3 Lund international is one among many others.

Reference to our customers can be given on request


VDA 6.3 examination must be taken at IATF sponsored center or an agency accredited by IATF. Application for examination is to be submitted, evidence of having undergone VDA6.3 training is essential, subsequently permissions given to take the VDA6.3 examination. On successful completion for the examination VDA6.3 Process Auditor certificate will be provided.

Official translated versions are available from VDA organization. Other standard sellers can provide English version of the standard

For first time practitioners of VDA 6.3 the scoring pattern could be overwhelming but QSE can make it simple and bring it to easily understandable terms and ensure that system is followed to attain high scores.

Need Certification?

Quality System Enhancement has been a leader in global certification services for the past 30 years. With more than 800 companies successfully certified, our proprietary 10-Step Approach™ to certification offers an unmatched 100% success rate for our clients.

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